Columbia Central High School Class of 1988
Kevin Rost
So many years have went by but it really feels like yesterday was when I left our beholden institution. As I watch "I love the 80's" I am reminded of what we looked like, or tried to be. It seems like a calmer time in life then, no cell phone's or life luxuries that we seem to be chained to now. I wouldn't mind a "Do Over" if possible, I enjoyed my time at school, even with the insecurities that are unspoken yet endured as a teen I would do it again.
My life now consists of my wife and 3 beautiful girls ages 15,10,3.
I was in the Navy for 12 years and was discharged honorably with a disability due to Improper surgical practices. Since 2000 when I shipped out of the Navy I have owned 2 business's and currently work for the U.S Army as an Engineering Tech (civil). GO ARMY
I live in Hawaii and it is nice, way too expensive, but nice. My wife's family is from here and It seemed like a nice place to reside when I got out of the Navy. I play drums still regularly and record / perform with various musicians, That is my way of staying young at heart.
If any of you are coming thru this way please feel free to contact me,
Mike Rost 808-595-4527