A little Sad...
When I get involved in a project that is important to me I get very wrapped up in it. This is what has happened with the reunion. I am ecstatic that everyone I spoke to had nothing but good things to say about the evening. However I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say that I'm sorry it's over. We put so much time and effort in trying to make things great that now it's over and I miss it already. I learned things about all of you that I never knew!
Shana, what can I say but an amazing person who juggles a full house of kids and busy husband. Coaches cheer leading with a passion and yet is so unselfish she often puts herself at the end of the line. I was truly honored to have spent time with her working and laughing together and at points flat out stressing. May everyone be blessed in their lives to a know a person of this caliber.
Jill, again another truly amazingly strong women, mother and wife. Although we were separated by the miles I knew at any point I could pick up the phone and she would be there. Jill shows leadership and organizational skills that never ceased to amaze me. May you be as honored as I to work with a person like this some day.
Debbie, thanks for coming on board midstream and jumping in! You picked it up when we needed, a one-woman advertising campaign.
Thanks to everyone who contributed along the way. We could not have done it without you!
As for me...I did it because I wanted to give back to the community that left me with so many great memories. Thank you to everyone for allowing me and trusting me to "run the show".
Rich DeJonghe aka Bosley